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Hi, It looks fantastic! Congratulations for your work!

I have a problem here. The game doesn't run on emulators I tried (Fmsx, BlueMSX). What should I do? I've tried several types of mapper and nothing works. Any help?


MSX emulators can be tricky like that. I'm trying to run the game in BlueMSX right now, and not getting encouraging results whether I use an MSX BIOS or the freeware C-BIOS. You may have more luck with OpenMSX or Emulicious... I just got the game running on the latter emulator after an update.

When I'm in the mood for the MSX, I typically play the game on handheld devices, where problems don't crop up so much. What I'd recommend is try the ColecoVision version (GearColeco) or the SG-1000 version (Kega Fusion) instead. It's not the answer you wanted, but at the moment, it's all I can offer.

Okay, I think I've got this licked. When running the game in BlueMSX, first select File -> Cartridge Slot 1 -> Insert from the menu. Choose the game (typically "whackem_msx.rom"), then select "SCC" or "Konami SCC" as the ROM type.  I'd recommend using C-BIOS as the BIOS, since it comes with the emulator. That can be changed in Options -> Emulation. Make sure you have the BIOS where BlueMSX can find it, or nothing will happen.

Yes!!! It works!!! Thank you so mucho for your time!!!

I tried to put Whack 'Em Smack 'Em Byrons on cartridge. It doesn't work on my SG-1000. With the SC-3000, the game runs, but you can't move the hammer with joystick or keyboard.

Hm. That is concerning. I've been running it in emulation and haven't had any problems there. I can't test it on real hardware, because I just don't have access to it. I'll ask the guy who made the compiler and see what can be done in your specific use case.

I just re-compiled the game with the latest version of CVBasic. Give it another shot and see if you have more luck with it. If so, fantastic, I'm glad to hear it! If not, I'll send some files over to the creator of the compiler and see what we can do to smooth things out. Apologies for the inconvenience either way!

I tested it and same result.

Gee, frustrating!

Apparently there were enough changes to CVBasic that the compiler itself needed to be re-compiled. I've built the latest version of WESEB using 0.51, the very latest build of the compiler. If this doesn't work, you'll need to fall back on emulation or another version of the game. Sorry.

Can I ask what hardware and flash cartridge you're using to play this? I'll ask around on and see if they're having the same problems; they're the only ones I know who would have access to a real, honest-to-goodness SG-1000.

Thank you! It works now on my SC-3000 if I use keyboard! but it would be easier with joystick.

I dont have flash cartridge, I burned the game to eprom 28C256 and that's probably the reason why it wont work on my SG-1000.

Tested with:

NTSC & PAL SC-3000 


NTSC SG-1000 & SG-1000 II

I guess half-working is better than not-working, right? I'll send the information to some friends who might be able to figure things out. Thanks!

I uploaded another build, one which should fix the SC-3000 joystick issues. Possibly the SG-1000 issues too, I can't say for sure.